Compliance Controls Validated

Policy violations correlated and visible.

Manage Compliance Controls Effectively Through Alerts and Reports

Compliance controls are mandatory for the basic operations of an organization to function optimally and securely. When policies and enforcements are overlooked or are overwhelmed, security tools are needed to visualize aspects of the business that cause high-risk behaviors. Deploy Datiphy’s Compliance Assessment Report to identify areas of violations and threats.

Datiphy’s Compliance Assessment Report correlates all your assets, escalated privileges, applications, users, and database objects to give you an overview of your organization’s security controls. Security analysts and auditors (both internal and external) can utilize our report to prioritize a plan of attack and to update weak controls. Our patented technology is non-intrusive and we can formulate a behavioral pattern well before any hackers can exercise their means to exfiltrate your sensitive data. Run our scan and immediately see where your biggest threats are located!

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